of memoirs and musings

random recollections.silly sampat stories.wistful wanderlust.serendipitous discoveries.all things me.

photobooth memories

Celebrating friendship as the nation celebrates its 49th Merdeka anniversary, with pastries, drinks, retro music, cherished company and lotsa photos from the most delightful photobooth!! Cheers and salam merdeka!

Puan Besar dan Aminah, 사랑해요!! Hee...

the duck blesser

Portrait series: Yvonne a.k.a. Ah Tan

technicolour TMT

Portrait series: Meng Teck

stealing kisses

Izinkanku mencuri sehari denganmu
Menjelajah padang saujana
ditemani sepoi-sepoi bahasa
Menukil memori yang berterabur di awangan
menghias dewangga kalbu
Simpulan di hati terurai
dipuput bayu
Pulang dalam lamunan
dikucup mentari
memaling ciuman

Muse: Puffball invasion by Sugeo

If I could steal a day away with you, to the meadows we will go. Lying in the grass or traipsing through the fields, we can watch the morphing puffballs in the skies, gather passing daydreams or sketch some wandering thoughts. Chaperoned by the healing breeze, we could laugh and chatter like gleeful kids or just lie in lovely silences. With a zephyr's breath, dandelions take flight and the heart's knots unravel themselves. Collecting memories scattered in the air to adorn the tapestry in our hearts. Returning in a reverie when the hours run out, sun-kissed and stealing kisses...

thursday night live

"Then when you dah balik and she is back as well, you can send her flowers to thank her. Girls like flowers one, especially unexpected deliveries macam tu."
"Hmm... brilliant, I say!"
"Of course!" *Peals of laughter*
"Now if only I can find out her birthday."
"In your note with the flowers or SMS after she's supposed to get it, just say that since you couldn't belanja kopi in return for her kindness, flowers will have to do for now. Next time you're there, your kopi offer is still good you hope, and if she ever comes to your place, you know some nice cafe."
"Oh goodness you are dangerous, su yin ong. Lucky you're not a guy."
"Yeah, if I'm born a guy, I'd be a casanova?"
*Guffaws* "You can go buaya guys, what!"
"Cheh... knowing the techniques doesn't mean I can abuse them."
"Actually I think it's because you are a girl, that's why."
"My first and utmost lesson was on what? SINCERITY. A smart girl can see through a casanova anytime one. If the guy has a good heart, a little extra charm doesn't hurt. Seeeeeeeee... so flowers and kopi are good!"
"It's as if life began today..."
"Haiyohhhhhh dramanya!"

mutant puffs & tea treasures

Ah Tan mengidam nak buat karipap lately so we tried making some for tea today while Ah Chan prepared the stuff to cook for dinner. We used the recipe from Jo's Deli & Bakery as Ah Tan wanted the flaky-spiral-ish kind of pastry. The filling consisted of cubes of potato and chicken meat cooked in curry sauce and we added small chunks of hard-boiled egg. The chinese pastry skin was quite difficult to get right at first. Somehow we managed to mess up the oil and water dough proportions and ended up with really fluffy mini puffs that crumbled at the slightest bite. We also didn't have the plastic shape-maker so we sealed and made the edges the old-fashioned way- tekan, penyek, lipat, ulang sampai hujung. Hee... though they looked a little kerepot, they tasted really yummy!

In the evening, every single Mediacorp channel was showing the National Day Rally live telecast (to which Ah Tan woefully proclaimed "So sienzzz!!"), so we watched RTM1 instead and had a cultural exchange session with Dandan. Ah Tan also made us each a cup of Six Treasures tea that is supposed to be Eight Treasures but alas, two ingredients were missing. A little peculiar-tasting because it is sweet, sour and bitter all at once, but really pleasant for our aktiviti bersilaturahim after dinner a.k.a. chor dai ti!

a faithful promise

Daughter, woman, child dearest...
saltwater washed the bones ashore
saltwater flooded a weary heart
saltwater tainted your oasis of truth
and anger clouded your eyes to forgiveness, grace and love.

I sat by myself at a pew in the middle, right next to the centre aisle. Back home, I'd have chosen a cosy corner at the side or even at the far back. Sometimes, I'd welcome sitting in the direct glare of the morning or evening sun so I won't fall asleep during the sermon later. But mostly, where I end up sitting at is not up to me because I rarely went alone. Here, I usually sit somewhere in the middle but close to the front. Here, I do at times, come on my own.

Thesis. Thesis. Thesis. Lish's bridal shower retreat. Backpack Taiwan. Chatuchak. Sugeoooooo. Purpose of my existence. Imperial. Mama. Thesis. Thesis. Thesis.

I sat and stared at the full-length glass windows beside the stained glass panels framing the crucifix. Trees grew outside and they sashayed gracefully in the wind. If you sit considerably in front, you can see the stream of vehicles exiting the AYE up into Clementi Road. At peak hours like those during a sunset mass, the chain of cars is rarely broken. No sound, just lush details, like a diorama from somewhere in my childhood. I especially love certain times of the year when the tree leaves turn auburn and then swirl in chaotic but always beautiful descents to the ground each time a gust of wind or two come spiraling through.

Would he, whom I would one day love, love me as much as Atah loves Mama?

I sat and leaf through the Sunday Missal, wondering which Sunday it is. Then, I remembered today's a Tuesday. Aahh... oh well. Shortly, an announcement came up. Page 268. Yeay.

Assumption is a feast of reaffirmation. Body and soul. Continue to do good and do it locally- in your home, your family, your friends, at your work place, in your community. There is always a need for goodness and one person can really change the world. What is the world but the lives, things and situations around you? One life, we give it our best shot. Make it a beautiful one, a beautiful existence.

I sat and looked up at the ceilings. It had been raining all day, perhaps the roof had sprang a leak. I wiped the drop of water off my head and moved a little to my right. A little while later, another drop of water fell and I wiped it off my shoulder. It had better not be pigeon pee.

In India, we have a famine of the body but here, you have a famine of the spirits. Be where you are needed, child, and do what you're best at, with all your love.... always. Questions and answers. Rewards and sacrifices. Promises and faith.

I kneeled and prayed...

fairy lamps

Mama's rain lilies, Zephyrantes candida in full bloom.

kampung chicks

sleepy chick *Photog: Supra

explorer duo

Gebu the Yang-O

waiting for Abu Dhabi posting *Photog: Supra

seeing double *Photog: Supra

bebola comel dari Korea

He is a brown ball of soft fur, scraggly whiskers and dopey eyes. Named after Lord Min (민정호) in Dae Jang Geum, my Korean beaver (whom Supra and me suspect looks more like an otter because of his tail) is ultra lovable. If you hug him tight, his stomach squeaks! When Min Zhenghao the Beaver meets Mr Magix the Raccoon in September, there might be mayhem in the house!

Hand puppet soft toys are really nice. Komawoyo, Meng Teck!

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