of memoirs and musings

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waiting to exhale

It's like looking at a scab on your knee, waiting for the wound to dry and heal so you can peel off that ugly reminder of a bad scrape or a fall. Then your impatience gets the better of you and you pick at it before it's ready to come off. You pick around the edges only to realise that the wound is still quite raw in the middle. Unfortunately you can't stop because now that the scab is half holding on to the middle and loose round the edges, an accidental rub or hook will yank the whole piece out. Owww... you can imagine the agony. Gross. So you peel carefully and dilligently with surgical precision, hoping to minimise the damage. Finally the scab comes off but the wound bleeds again, profusely and with renewed vengeance.

Yeah, it sure feels like that... except there's no pain, only numbness and tiredness. Perhaps I'm trying too hard to be alright before it's time.

4 Responses to “waiting to exhale”

  1. # Blogger Unknown

    sometimes bleeding makes u feel alive...  

  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I sometimes bear the itch and leave the scar there to fall off on its own just for the sake of defiance. When it does, there is a real feeling of having moved on.  

  3. # Blogger carinasuyin

    lanatir: Yeah...

    sugeo: *hugz*  

  4. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.  

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