of memoirs and musings

random recollections.silly sampat stories.wistful wanderlust.serendipitous discoveries.all things me.


Weeee! All three of my shortlisted photos got Schmapped !! Here are screenshots of how they appear in the Naples and Barcelona Schmap Guides...

3 Responses to “schmapped!”

  1. # Blogger The Soothsayer

    Wow! That's great! Although I have no clue what Schmapped is. :)

    Need to get my head out of the engineering and politics hole one of these days.  

  2. # Blogger The Soothsayer

    Ah... no wonder. It's a windows based player while I'm doggedly pro-Linux.  

  3. # Blogger carinasuyin

    Thanks! Yeah the Schmap Player is Windows-based for now, they're coming up with the version for Mac too if I'm not mistaken...  

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