of memoirs and musings

random recollections.silly sampat stories.wistful wanderlust.serendipitous discoveries.all things me.

pearl of the orient

Experimental rescue by Photoshop rendering of some unsatisfactory shots from the Makan Marathon III: Penang trip :)

Yvonne, exhilarated

breakfast with ryan

ruijie and his muar chee love affair


the old and the new

feet on ground Posted by Hello

Meowwy Christmas

For Sugeo: your lawak sisters Posted by Picasa

chan rakh khun

I am officially enamoured with Thailand... sigh. Now do I understand the enchantment of the Thai smile and warmth that has stolen many hearts, including mine. There is just something about the people and the land of this beautiful kingdom that embraces you and leaves you humbled. I love the simplicity of the wai gesture, the gentleness in the eyes of the men and women, the melodious sound of the Thai language, the black and white uniforms of the university undergraduates, and the rickety old trains where the wind restyles your hair better than Gatsby!

Ayutthaya was pure magic and mystic despite the traffic and modern antenna towers that surround the ancient ruins. I remember the breathtaking moments of watching the sun set from atop Wat Ratchaburana, the story of Suryothai told as night falls in the form of a dance drama with Wat Maha That as its grandious backdrop, and following the cheeky and adorable school kids around Wat Phra Si Sanphet. In Bangkok, I loved losing my way around the grounds of Chulalongkorn University, the night hawker stalls selling ever sweet fruits, pancakes, cheeken bums (sic), fishballs and super-soft bread with kaya (the mere recollection gets me drooling!), being mistaken as Thai, Japanese or Korean, the hustle and bustle of Chatuchak market and the vivacity and tenacity of its young people....

Ayutthaya Part II

father and son

Wat Maha That in festive mood

o-chien Thai style

when history lessons come alive

photo-friendly little boys

this tree has many stories

thai doves

golden offerings

sun salutation

sleepy train ride

whispers of the heart Posted by Hello

Ayutthaya Part I

river crossing in Ayutthaya

Ronald does the wai

roots enlightened

dancing figurines

Buddha at dusk

mystical appeal of Wat Ratchaburana *photog: Yvonne

yvonne in awe

kiddie conference


modern lamp amidst ancient darkness Posted by Hello

Krungthep three

Hua Lamphong train station

A bugsy meal

The Thai Pavillion in Chulalongkorn University

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