of memoirs and musings

random recollections.silly sampat stories.wistful wanderlust.serendipitous discoveries.all things me.

just one of those days

Just one of those bloody days
When you thought it would feel better to swear
only to feel worse when you do
When you regret letting words fly in anger
though you knew that such damage cannot wholly be undone
When you feel like shutting up and caring less
for the world seems to tire of you these days
Alas, my conscience can only suffer this much

Just one of those wretched days
When you wish your heart could no longer feel
so that you are spared the hurt and pain
When you think that having a sensitive nature
is seriously heavens' little joke on you
When you want to just give up
analyzing and deconstructing that thing called love
Alas, my heart can only take this much

Just one of those forsaken days
When you wonder could it just be you having PMS
or that no one told you it was Global PMS Week
When your spirits feel the weight of living
and lightness of the heart does not come easy
When your Chance cards run out
and your guardian angel's gone on extended vacation
Alas, my patience can only stretch this much

Just one of those tired days
When you go round and round in circles
or that you can't take a step forward nor a step back
When your mindless life feels like
brush-teeth water swirling down the toilet sink
When you don't think it is scary
to wish you went to sleep and never to awake
Alas my body can only support this much

Just one of those solemn days
When you lie awake with bittersweet insomnia
seeking solace in marathon Jay therapy sessions
When you long for the simplicity of days gone by
among rubber trees, monitor lizards and bikes with no brakes
When you cover your tear-stained face and finally close your eyes
to pray that tomorrow could just be a tad bit kinder

and that someone still hears your heart's whispers
for alas, my soul can only bear this much

4 Responses to “just one of those days”

  1. # Blogger chengpuay

    Goodness... nice poem, but why so sad? :)  

  2. # Blogger lotsachi

    yes, really nice poem. it's not sad...i personally don't find it sad. it warmed my heart, as to know that i'm not the only one that feels the same too. it sort of pulled me back to my center (from the chaotic things that are happening around, situations that happened...etc) and strengthened the internal me to go step-by-step ahead again, with a new determination and hope.

    a reminder of how strong one could be. the background of one's life serves as the source of growth and inspiration - let it be constructive.  

  3. # Blogger stargal

    hello, popped in from somewhere... and i must say WOW!! this is really great work. i've just browsed a few pages of ur blog, n i think u're extremely talented! so impressed! (^_^)

    i was just wondering, may i copy out ur poem to share it with my frens in my blog. of course, i'd link it to ur page... can? can? hehehe...  

  4. # Blogger Fiona1

    Hi Carinasyuin

    I relate to your poem. I wrote mine in difficult times and yours sort of reflect my feelings too at this moment.Thanks a lot! May your muse continue inspiring u
    ps. I really like 'The Spanish Apartment' too  

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